
  1. M.D & Ph.D. student

    Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences
    Supervised by Prof Shaowei Cai.
  2. Bachelor in Software Engineering

    Jilin University
    I pursued my undergraduate studies in Software Engineering as part of the College of Software’s Elite Engineering Class. During my undergraduate years, I was awarded the National Encouragement Scholarship, the Excellent Graduation Design Award (ranking first in the College of Software), the Outstanding League Member Award, the Second-Class Scholarship, and the Outstanding Student Award from Jilin University. I also participated in a national-level innovation and entrepreneurship training project for university students, which was successfully completed. Additionally, I competed in various contests, including the China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling, the Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM/ICM), and the Blue Bridge Cup Programming Competition, earning multiple awards.
Best Paper at CP 2024
30th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming ∙ September 2024
My paper, titled ‘An Efficient Local Search Solver for Mixed Integer Programming’ which I authored as the first author, was awarded the Best Paper Award at CP 2024.
Outstanding thesis of Jilin University
Jilin University ∙ June 2023
My undergraduate thesis was rated as outstanding thesis of Jilin University (ranked No.1 in School of Software).